Friday, January 1, 2010

Electric Torture -razor Does It Strike You As Odd That Christians Pray With An Implement Of Torture And Execution (the Cross) ?

Does it strike you as odd that Christians pray with an implement of torture and execution (the cross) ? - electric torture -razor

When Jesus died in the churches have electric chairs electric chair on the roof?

Catholics as a sign of "the electric chair?


kstonely said...

Iono. Every religion is a kind of not-so little closet S & M --

andymac1... said...

Of course, like an electric chair, then the symbol is as attractive as a condom was worn around the neck.

Strangely enough, the scandal that Christians celebrate the practice of torture. The cross is not only the symbols that were originally collected by Christians. Fish and bread were also symbols, but the cross will always be popular. Precisely because it is the ultimate symbol of the new "good", had addressed the world's sin in the cross of Jesus.

In this way, God has chosen to deal with our sin. The empty cross, how it is done, that the crucifix worth even more, because it symbolizes the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, claim to be Christians, God's word of Jesus were true! If Jesus was not resurrected, Christians are wrong

It is also worth noting that not all Christians even cross or hold a cross. The beauty of the cross means that people are now able to find God or away from the tradition of a temple or other means.

Paul Pereira said...

In fact, the Christians did not pray with an application other than the fact that Christ lives in them. I am a lapsed Catholic, and I visited shortly after by the mercies of God as a Catholic, not Christ, but of man. It was led by the Lord to follow him in love. I pray constantly in my head, wishing my whole life a prayer to God for life, with my only I could express more and more every day, and is compatible with life and the image of Christ.

Paul Pereira said...

In fact, the Christians did not pray with an application other than the fact that Christ lives in them. I am a lapsed Catholic, and I visited shortly after by the mercies of God as a Catholic, not Christ, but of man. It was led by the Lord to follow him in love. I pray constantly in my head, wishing my whole life a prayer to God for life, with my only I could express more and more every day, and is compatible with life and the image of Christ.

goddesse... said...

ROFLOFLOFL hahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahahaha

Now, how exactly do you want to make a sign for the electric chair hahahhahaa

and answer the question ... It seems odd, but then I heard some Xtian and have the most bizarre set of beliefs, so that their strange rituals are no longer strange that his convictions

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Special K said...

We have clearly not in the Bible used in our worship idols
Exodus 20:4,5 Thou shalt not thee any graven image, or a form, which is in heaven above, below or on land which is in the waters under the earth. You can not worship them nor serve them, be induced to the LORD thy God am a God exacting exclusive
It is commendable that people like the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, but entry must have asked how they appear for the admission in itself be a major annual celebration of the dead is easy. Luke 22:14-20

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