Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Hip Replacement If I Have A Hip Replacement Will I Be Able To Work In My Garden?

If I have a hip replacement will I be able to work in my garden? - new hip replacement

Can I dig with a shovel to a new way? How can a hip with a lot of pressure in you? Is it the same?


kansas80... said...

This would be an important issue for the orthopedic doc ... but what I remember, there are limits to the post-surgery, how far you can flex the hip (usually not more than 90 degrees or more) the risk of dislocation. But this can be something that is only for the first month or two is recommended, and you can use the entire spectrum, once it is fully healed to resume.

This does not answer this particular question, but it's a pretty good view of the hip surgery. ...

yep said...

No, it still hurts, but you can still do something. Yes, you do in the situation, but after that can be painful.

But honestly, will never be the same

JOJO said...

You can not save too much pressure on him when you arrive, but it should eventually be able to everything you do before talking to your doctor, but ends just to make sure that you know better than any of your restrictiond here I would.

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