Thursday, January 21, 2010

Replacement Truck Bumpers What Do I Do With This Dent In My Rear Bumper?

What do i do with this dent in my rear bumper? - replacement truck bumpers

I have argued in a van and get 100% damage. my bumper now has a size tooth in her cereal bowl. I went to a place and a budget of $ 744 for a new bumper original work more, but I think this is too much. can not just pop back? What is a fair price for the replacement of more work?


Sophie B said...

If it's a urethane bumper, you can unlock the rubber cap, slide the tooth and replace .... if the metal structure is folded underneath, you may need a hammer "persuasion"

Is this a cash bumpers, check for a local company that sells replacement wings and body parts ... usually a metal bumpers can just 50.00 .....

Sophie B said...

If it's a urethane bumper, you can unlock the rubber cap, slide the tooth and replace .... if the metal structure is folded underneath, you may need a hammer "persuasion"

Is this a cash bumpers, check for a local company that sells replacement wings and body parts ... usually a metal bumpers can just 50.00 .....

Matthew L said...

Even if the ceiling is made of metal can not "blow back" as you can in a wing.

They are cheaper than going junkyard car and take a discount of a car the same make / model / year of death, while the bumper is usually the first to get something when a car in an accident! :-D

You can probably replace the bumper itself, but you will probably be a professional to paint.

Honestly $ 750 for parts / labor / painting is not bad for a modern industry which has shaped bumper cars. Well, cash is usually expensive.

Bryce said...

A pick-up bumper steel is probably very difficult, so it can not simply "appeared again, but it deserves a try.

I suspect that, so it should look like new, a new bumper pop. You see, if you buy the part and install it yourself.

Bryce said...

A pick-up bumper steel is probably very difficult, so it can not simply "appeared again, but it deserves a try.

I suspect that, so it should look like new, a new bumper pop. You see, if you buy the part and install it yourself.

Johnny said...

Hammer for themselves, better and cheaper way to resolve it. Everything you need to do is take off the bumper and go from there.

C.W. said...

Take the bumper of the car and pop the Dent of them .. The paint is cracked, but it looks good from afar, far from being only good at short range.

GibsonEs... said...

Get destroy a garden in a switch or the vehicle on the tooth with a rubber hammer.

Joe P said...

Further details about the car, but is probably too close. No, you can not just pop out.

doughboy... said...

You can try to blow up the air with a dead blow hammer, or fill them with Bondo ... Best of luck!

Alfred E. Neuman® said...

Filing a claim with your insurance company so that they resolve to

John said...

Pay a former prostitute 2 suck the tooth

John said...

Pay a former prostitute 2 suck the tooth

Mew said...

prosecution of the person who

Nick MUFC said...


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