Saturday, January 16, 2010

Index Of Boob .jpg -htm -html -php Who Won Rock Of Love 2?

Who won Rock of love 2? - index of boob .jpg -htm -html -php

It was a lively show and saw that half of the last episode because it just couldnt, Umm, I think his name is Daisy, jealous, for example, the other girls, how hot was that if there was anything he said, was a man with Bad boob job, nose, lips and fake implants very very very bad.

Pop Quiz!
more like a woman?
Want to be candidate # 1 - aka Bret, Bon Jovi ... ... ...
Lucky Candidate # 2 - "Daisy" ... ... ...


Stephanie L said...

Amber. I do not specify the name of the right though.

jmi0975 said...

Amber, luckily - Daisy ducklips too.

And yes, back in the day, Bret (and all members of the Poison) were very nice and seemed too much like a girl - now, fortunately, a little less.

meberunn... said...

Amber won, but not much and even if Bret thinks she's fine

Val said...

Amoeba. EWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
I really wanted to win, but I hope Amber and Daisy they break or something

sgm said...

Amber, I knew he would win the first edition, because they almost went home and ended up staying after each removal. Amber Way to go !!!!!

Answer me this said...


and OMG, you're right! Bret is more like a woman, Daisy! Haha you're hilarious

Aren... said...


IM SOO happy .. I mean the elected haha

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