Sunday, February 7, 2010

Agitated Depression More Condition_symptoms I Have Been Diagnosed With Agitated Depression. Has Anyone Heard Of This Or Suffers From It?

I have been diagnosed with Agitated Depression. Has anyone heard of this or suffers from it? - agitated depression more condition_symptoms

I do not find this information both in


fiVe said...

I feel depression in the bipolar excited. I particularly noticed that you can not stay in place, but I want to do nothing. Nothing has my attention. My mind races so fast that it can be maintained and can not sleep. I was irritable, impulsive and dangerous. I do not know what you want from him, but if you want to talk, you can send me an e-mail. ... ...

Barry W said...

In principle, to distinguish them from the kind of depression, where people are unmotivated, tired and flat. This has implications for the prescription of antidepressants, as some are more alert and a little more of a sedative. Agitated depression usually requires sedating type.

hawkeyez... said...

Here are some pages for you .... ... ... ... ...

These are just some that I found myself writing in agitated depression. Never heard of it, but when I read the concept of it, a completely pointless. I wish you all the best.

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