Sunday, February 21, 2010

How Long Does Pulpitis Last How Long Does It Take For Pulpitis To Go Away?

How long does it take for Pulpitis to go away? - how long does pulpitis last

I recently went to the dentist for a cavity and he told me that I have my tooth pulpitis. The pain is excrutiating, I mean, that's almost as bad as labor. He gave me nothing. I took ibuprofen, which seems to help. I drank water and ice temprarily that relieves pain. But I think we have now exceeded 12 glasses and I can not drink lots of water. Who knows how to relieve the pain? Also, how long does it take for the pain? My dentist gave me one months. I read online that sometimes the pain does not disappear? Please, someone gives me some hope. : (

1 comment:

LX said...

What you really should not go from not even a root canal

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