Monday, February 1, 2010

Wooden Sailing Blocks How Do I Trace A Leak In My Enterprise Wooden Sailing Dinghy. Once Located What Is The Best Method Of Repair,?

How do I trace a leak in my Enterprise wooden sailing dinghy. Once located what is the best method of repair,? - wooden sailing blocks

What materials and methods.


Greywolf said...

Ask yourself seriously whether it is worthwhile. A development of wood is very old and may require ongoing repairs. However, to play a good boat, the possibility to sail on But do not worry about the race, she had taken large amounts of water for year, very thick, and therefore slow.

PS Sikaflex works well

Trousers... said...

1, what you can do to find the leak is raised above the ground and fill it with water. You should be able to see where the water. Another way (that I know, before do), put a cloth around the area where the leak is suspected. launched and the tissue is moist and dense to be. To resolve this problem, you can always make some fiberglass over the hole if they want to remain under water. Nobody else does not see why not. You can get a repair ship, and he / she will make a reasonable fix, and you can be sure that the custom is lost again (or not). And some even make a complete check-up for you.

KWIK said...

I'm not your type of boat, a boat, but only a small boat for me. However, if the repair is urgent and that the materials bets pending the Old Town. Wood or fiberglass, a quick fix, the last Marine would be expected-Tex, "as epoxy material can be applied to cracks or holes and seal in water and not leak. Find a marine shop.

macthebo... said...

Companies will always leak through the snow to casing.You an adequate temporary solution with Sikaflex (gloves use-it `s hard to get their hands on) on both sides of the leaks.

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