Monday, February 22, 2010

What Exercise Can I Do After Foot Surgery What Is The Recovery Time After Hallux Rigidus/Bone Spur Surgery?

What is the recovery time after Hallux Rigidus/Bone Spur Surgery? - what exercise can i do after foot surgery

I am a woman of 33 years, had hallux rigidus surgery on 07.11.08 on the right foot. The doctor said recovery would be about 3-4 days and will play again on its feet, even tennis! WEEK 5 and it is still in great discomfort and pain.

I get my foot in just a tennis shoe. My experience is swelling and pain, if I for more than a few minutes walk. It is painful to bear relation to the foot, especially in the ball of my foot, my toes and the inside of my foot. Simple things like washing dishes, showering and driving is terrible. If I'm not one of the simple things in the house, I raised my foot. The worst is at night, because it seems that most frequently swell. Sometimes you feel likeMy cut off circulation.

It was my first week back at work and was very difficult to move. I limped around without crutches. I'm not sure that the good or for bad. Again I train curved fingers Hope this helps.

Please let me know if anyone has had similar experiences. How long does it take to be able to walk without a limp and to feel the pain? Is there anything I can do to speed recovery time? Please help!

1 comment:

Sandra M said...

They have done something wrong. I have my right foot a month ago and is slim and elegant. I just my left foot was on 1 August and others who you think I have a big bruise in the heel, I'm fine. If you have swelling and do all the other things you need to talk to your doctor who will run. Mine is great.

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